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Welcome to Dunton
Family Farms
Since 1909
Rubus idaeus |
Raspberries are a "cane berry" like black
berries but instead of producing long vines that must be trained up on an
arbor, they grow as upright stalks that reach five or six feet in height.
'Heritage' produces
delicious, bright red berries in the summer and fall. One of
the best tasting raspberries, Heritage is an everbearing variety and
can be mowed in the fall and will produce abundant berries in late
summer the following year without staking. 'Heritage' produces
abundant crops, perfect for fresh eating and freezing. |
- Latin Name: Rubus idaeus
- Class: Raspberries
- Size at Maturity: 6 feet in height.
- Pollination: Caneberries are self-fertile.
- Pests & Diseases: Caneberries are generally free of insect
and disease problems. If birds begin eating your berries, try planting
Mulberry, Aronia, and/or Elderberry to lure them away, or cover the
plants with netting.
- Hardiness: Raspberries are hardy to minus 30° F
- Bearing Age: They begin bearing the year after planting.
- Bloom Time: April
- Ripening Time: June & August
- Yield: 2+ lbs.
- Special Care: Spacing: Space Raspberries 30"-36" apart in
rows 6' apart. They bear fruit on 1 year old canes. Prune out these
canes in the fall after harvest.
- USDA Zone: 3
[ Click here
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